2024e | "Asymmetric Effects on Public Social Spending" with D., Kyriakopoulos and J., Yfantopoulos. International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE) 20th edition, Organized physically and virtually at the University of Szczecin, Poland, 12-14/09/2024. Conference Programme. |
2024d | "Homo Economicus: A Counterpoint" with G., Papakonstantinou, f. N.-Loudovikos, and N., Theocharakis. International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE) 20th edition, Organized physically and virtually at the University of Szczecin, Poland, 12-14/09/2024. Conference Programme. |
2024c | "Cosmosystemic Gnoseology in Public Sector Political Economy" with G., Maragkou, G., Contogeorgis, and J., Malindretos. International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE) 20th edition, Organized physically and virtually at the University of Szczecin, Poland, 12-14/09/2024. Conference Programme. |
2024b | "The Geoeconomics of the Geopolitics of Maritime Security: The Crisis in the Middle East and Red Sea" with N., Deniozos. International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE) 20th edition, Organized physically and virtually at the University of Szczecin, Poland, 12-14/09/2024. Conference Programme. |
2024a | "Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Efficiency on Economic Growth in the Eurozone" with D., Papadomanolakis, S., Arvanitis and A., Kotios. International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE) 20th edition, Organized physically and virtually at the University of Szczecin, Poland, 12-14/09/2024. Conference Programme. |
2023 |
"Financial fragility hypothesis and social security systems: what have we learned from the paradigmatic Greek case?", |
2022b |
“ Social Secutiy Payments and Financialization: Lessons from the Greek case.”, |
2022a |
“ On the problem of choosing a method of procuring infrastructure assets and services: a lterature review on Public-Private P artnerships”, |
2021b |
“Twin Deficits Hypothesis Reviseted: Economic Policy Lessons for the Fragility of the EMU”, |
2021a |
“The Economics without Philosophy make no sense”, |
2020b |
2020a |
“Public Debt and Economic Growth: a Contemporary Literature Review”, |
2019 |
“Economic Policy Uncertainty and Cash Holdings in Shipping 2001-2017”, |
2016d |
"Profitability, Cash Holdings and Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Greek Panel Data", |
2016c |
"Corporate cash holdings and firm value: Evidence from Greek Panel Data" , |
2016b |
"Ownership Concentration and Dividend Policy: Evidence from Greek Panel Data" , |
2016a |
"Capital and Ownership Structure over Corporate Growth: Evidence from Greek Panel Data" , |
2014b |
«Endogeneity and the Dynamics of Credit Default Swaps: Empirical Evidence for the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis 2008-2013», |
2014a |
«Sticky Cost Behavior in Small, Medium and Large Firms in Greece», |
2013 |
«Market Pricing of Sovereign Risk in the Euro-Area: Self-fulfilling Expectations, Credit Rating Agencies, and Asymmetries», |
2012f |
«Audit Committee, External Audit and Quality of Financial Statements», |
2012e |
«Cash Conversion Cycle and Profitability: Evidence From Greek Industrial Enterprises listed on the Athens Stock Exchange», |
2012d |
«Corporate Governance in Shipping: An Overview», |
2012c |
«Culture and Tax Evasion», |
2012b |
«The Trilemma and the Eurozone: A Pre-announced Tragedy of the Hellenic Debt Crisis», |
2012a |
«Pedia-Culture and Tax Evasion: An Extensive Literature Review of the Relationship», |
2011b |
«The Challenge of the Current Global Systemic Crisis: Epistemological Issues on Economics», |
2011a |
Workshop Co-Chair on «Social Security Systems: Trends and Prospects after the Crisis», |
2010b |
«Corporate Governance, Structure and Profitability: Evidence from Hellenic Listed Firms», |
2010a |
«Gender Wage Gap», |
2009 |
"Measuring Exchange Rate Pass-Through for a Candidate Country of the Eurozone", |
2008b |
«Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Exchange Rate Regimes», |
2008a |
« Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from the Hellenic maritime sector 1995-2002», |
2007c |
«Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Managed Float: Revised Estimations», |
2007b |
« Decomposing Gender Wage Gap in Hellenic Tourism Industry », |
2007a |
«Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Managed Float in a Small Open Economy», |
2023/02 | Μέλος Society for the Advencement of Socio-Economics |
2018/02 | |
2018/01 | |
2000-8/2015 |
Ερευνητικός εταίρος Centre de Recherche en Développement Economique et Finance Internationale, DEFI/GREQAM, Aix-Marseille University, France. |
1999- | |
1987- | |
RePEc |
Συγγραφέας-Μέλος Research Papers in Economics (ενημερώνει για ετεροαναφορές). |
Google Scholar |
Stamatopoulos Theodoros (ενημερώνει για ετεροαναφορές) |
2024/05 |
Political economy of the financialized public sector, |
2024/05 | Essays on the quality of life: economy and Greek civilization, by PhD candidate Georgia Papakonstantinou, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece, Dept. of Accounting and Finance. Supervisor. The other two members of the advisory committee are Prof. f. N.-Loudovikos (U.of Ioannina, Greece), and Prof. N. Theocharakis (National and Kapodistrian U. of Athens, Greece). |
2022/07 |
Social Security Systems and the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis, |
2022/04 |
Public-Private Partnerships: factors of economic appraisal, |
2021/1 |
Geopolitical aspects in Shipping Indusrty, by Post-Doctoral Researcher Nikos Deniozos, |
2004 |
Operational Programme “Education and Initial Vocational Training” (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ ΙΙ), “Reformation of the Undergraduate Program of the Accounting Dept., Τ.Ε.Ι. of Crete”, (2004-08), Project Manager: Prof. F.Voulgari. |
1998 |
Operational Programme “Education and Initial Vocational Training” (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ Ι), “Reformation of the Undergraduate Program of the Accounting Dept., Τ.Ε.Ι. of Crete”, (1998-99), Project Manager: Asst. Prof. J.Tsagarakis. |
1997b |
Leonardo Da Vinci: «Enhancement of Industrial Employee’s Key-core Qualifications using Distance Learning and Computer Based Training Infrastructure», (1997-‘99) University of Piraeus, University of Antwerp, Erasmus University, National Technological University. Project Manager: Prof. E.Thalassinos. |
1997a |
Operational Programme “Education and Initial Vocational Training” (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ Ι): “ Reformation of the Undergraduate Program of the Maritime Studies’ Dept., University of Piraeus”, (1997-99), Project Manager: Prof. E.Thalassinos. |
1997 |
Operational Programme “Education and Initial Vocational Training” (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ Ι): Department of Maritime Studies Students’ Training, University of Piraeus, (1997-‘99) Project Manager: Prof. E.Thalassinos. |
1997 |
Fusibility Study: for the Institutional and Operational Modernization of the Greek Port Authority» , Greek Port Authority. (1997-‘98) Project Manager: Prof. E.Thalassinos. |
1996 |
ADAPT: «Telematics and Distance Walking», Informatics Institute of the National Technical University, Research Center of the University of Piraeus, Greek Productivity Center. (1996- ‘98) Project Manager: Prof. Ν.Ouzounoglou. |
1996 |
ADAPT: «New Financial and Managerial Skills for Managers of State Owned Companies», Research Center of the University of Piraeus, National Technical University, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (HTO), Greek Post Office, German company RKW. (1996-‘98) Project Manager: Prof. E.Thalassinos. |
1996 |
COREM: «The use of Telematics in Logistics», Research Center of the University of Piraeus, TRADEMCO, University of Liege. (1996-‘98) Project Manager: Prof. E.Thalassinos (for the University of Piraeus) and the Maritime Economics and Transportation Institute of Bremen (overall project manager). |
1995 |
EUROSCOPE: «Telematics and Urban Transport in Port Cities», Research Center of the University of Piraeus, ERATOSTHENIS LTD., Greek Port Authority, Municipality of Piraeus, ΙΝΤRΑΚΟΜ S.A., National Technological University. (1995-‘96) Project Manager: Prof. E.Thalassinos (University of Piraeus). |
1993 |
«Dump Management», Municipality of Heraklion - Τ.Ε.Ι. of Heraklion. (1993-‘94) Project Manager: Prof. B.Manios (T.E.I. of Crete). |
1989 |
«Problems and Perspectives in Vinyards of Crete», Geotechnical Chamber, Department of Crete. (1989-‘94) Project Manager: Prof. K.A.Roubelaki-Angelaki. |
1998 |
Θαλασσινός, Ε., και Θ.Β.Σταματόπουλος, Διεθνή Οικονομικά, ΑΘ.ΣΤΑΜΟΥΛΗΣ, Αθήνα. |
1996 |
Θαλασσινός, Ε., Θ.Β.Σταματόπουλος και Χ.Χαρίσης, Επιχειρησιακή Στατιστική, ΑΘ.ΣΤΑΜΟΥΛΗΣ, Αθήνα. |
2020- |
"POLYNOI" Repository of the University of West Attica (Supervisor Professor Theodoros Stamatopoulos). |
2021-22Χ |
Λιτότητα και Υγεία στην Ελλάδα την Δεκαετία 2010: Συνέπειες και Προοπτικές. |
2021-22X |
2019-20Ε |
Ταμειακά διαθέσιμα και αγοραία αξία τουριστικών επιχειρήσεων. |
2019-20Χ |
Λογιστική πολιτισμικής-δημιουργικής οικονομίας |
2017-18Χ |
Παραγωγικότητα επιχειρήσεων |
2016-17Ε |
Η τριπλή κρίση της Ευρωζώνης |
2016-17Ε |
Η κρίση της Ευρωζώνης: Εξωτερικό έναντι Δημοσίου Χρέους. (Unhappy families are all alike: Minskyan cycles, Kaldorian growth, and the Eurozone peripheral crises) |
2015-16Ε |
Προσδιοριστικοί παράγοντες κερδοφορίας τραπεζών. |
2014-15Ε |
Έλεγχος σταθερότητας χρηματοπιστωτικού συστήματος |
2014-15Ε |
Αποτελεσματικότητα δημόσιου τομέα |
2014-15Ε |
Ευρωπαϊκές επιδοτήσεις ως παράγοντας Περιφερειακής Οικονομικής Μεγέθυνσης |
2014-15Χ |
Ανεπάρκεια δημοσιονομικής πολιτικής, κρίσεις και μακροοικονομική διακυβέρνηση στην Ευρωζώνη |
2014-15Χ |
Ο έλεγχος αποδοτικότητας στο Δημόσιο Τομέα: προσεγγίσεις και θέματα που ανέκυψαν στις χώρες της Ε.Ε. |
2013-14Ε |
Διανεμητικές επιδράσεις της φοροδιαφυγής |
2013-14Ε |
Επαναπροσδιορισμός της φτώχειας ως κίνδυνος και ευπάθεια |
2013-14Χ |
Φορολογία και αναδιανομή εισοδήματος στην Ευρωζώνη |
2013-14Χ |
Κοινωνική Λογιστική και Οργανισμοί Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης |
2013-14Χ |
Μέτρηση οικονομικών επιδόσεων και κοινωνική πρόοδος |
2012-13Ε |
Αποδοχές μελών διοίκησης και διευθυντικών στελεχών και χρηματοοικονομικά χαρακτηριστικά των επιχειρήσεων. |
2012-13Χ |
Θεσμοί, θεσμική αλλαγή και φοροδιαφυγή. |
2012-13Χ |
Θεσμικές διαφορές και τρέχουσα συστημική οικονομική κρίση |
2011-12Ε |
Πολιτισμός και φοροδιαφυγή. |